Case Study: Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q3 2023)

Concierge: Jade Townsend
Patient Name: Randle, Laverene
Patient Age: 62
Admissions Date: 9/7/2023
Admitted from: Ascension Saint Thomas Hospital Midtown
Discharge Date: TBD
Length of Stay: 23 + days
Reason for Stay: Acute Respiratory Failure
How did this patient hear about Green Hills Center: Case Manager, Ascension Hospital

Details of experience:

On August 30th, 2023, Laverene was admitted to Ascension Saint Thomas Hospital Midtown with an admitting diagnosis of metastatic tongue and lung cancer with a newly discovered mass in the left lung with pneumonia, which led to acute respiratory failure. Subsequently, being placed on a mechanical ventilator, insertion of PEG tube, and septic shock. Acute respiratory failure is when the air sacs of the lungs cannot release enough oxygen into the blood. This left Laverene unable to stand and ambulate. He was initially admitted to Green Hills Center, considering hospice services. Still, he was picked up by all disciplines of our community’s rehabilitation, stating his personal goal being “I want to live.”

Upon arrival, Laverene was greeted by our interdisciplinary team, including Nursing, Concierge, Rehabilitation, Social Services, and Recreation. Laverene was evaluated by our Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapists and has been working with each discipline since admission. The patient required rehabilitation services to increase strength, functional mobility, and transfers, as well as to increase the ability to safely ambulate and increase coordination to decrease further risk for falls and decline in function.

When Laverene first admitted, he stated “I was a mess. No one knew how things were going to go.” Laverene has been working extremely hard with our Rehabilitation Team, surpassing his baseline goal within 23 days! With perseverance, he increased his ability to ambulate at 150 plus feet with his baseline ambulation of <5 feet and the initial goal of ambulating 50 feet. He was admitted with his PEG tube and was NPO (nothing by mouth) and, unfortunately, remains NPO but has been working with speech therapy and is now able to have pleasure feeding and is continuing to work his way up from there!

Laverne feels “proud of how far I’ve come thanks to the Grace of God and the Rehabilitation Team.” Our social services team is supporting him with his plan of discharge. He is still continuing his healing journey with us at Green Hills Center, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to support him along the way.

Green Hills is so proud of the hard work Laverene and our Rehabilitation Team have shown throughout his journey, and we look forward to the amazing outcomes.

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Case Study: Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q2 2023)

Concierge: Jade Townsend
Patient Name: Little, Joel
Patient Age: 66
Admissions Date: 5/02/2023
Admitted from: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Discharge Date: TBD
Length of Stay: 60 + days
Reason for Stay: Other Fracture of Upper and Lower End of Right Fibula, Subsequent Encounter for Routine Healing
How did this patient hear about Green Hills Center: Case Worker at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Details of experience:

Mr. Joel Little (AKA Thumper) was admitted on 05/02/2023 from Vanderbilt University Medical Center after falling out of his wheelchair at a racing event. His admitting diagnosis was an “other fracture of upper and lower end of the right fibula.” This refers to a break in the bone that stabilizes and supports your ankle and lower leg muscle. This resulted in a decrease in strength, functional mobility, balance, and activity tolerance. Joel is an avid NASCAR fan and dedicated musician and is extremely passionate about bringing joy to others while sharing his music. This injury impacted his ability to play music to his previous abilities, which was later incorporated into his rehabilitation and healing journey here at Green Hills.

Upon arrival, Joel was greeted by our interdisciplinary team, which included Concierge, Nursing, Rehabilitation, Social Services, and Recreation. Joel arrived with an incredibly positive attitude. Sharing that his goal was to “just get well enough to get back home to play with my band.” On his second day, he was evaluated by our therapy team, and determined he would benefit from our skilled services to increase functional activities.

During Joel’s initial therapy evaluation, he was determined to be totally dependent and relied on his wheelchair to ambulate. Also sharing that he has been unable to walk since 2021. Now, Mr. Joel Little is walking at 100+ feet and playing his music for other residents and our staff throughout the community, thanks to his determination and Green Hills Center’s expert therapy team!

Joel’s discharge date is early July 2023, as he will return to playing music, attending races, and running his barbecue shop!

All of us at Green Hills have tremendously enjoyed having the opportunity to support him in his recovery journey, and wish him the best!

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Case Study: Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q1 2023)

Concierge: Autumn Townsend
Patient Name: Reynolds, Kathleen
Patient Age: 58
Admissions Date: 12/30/2022
Admitted from: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Discharge Date: TBD
Length of Stay: 90 + days
Reason for Stay: Traumatic Subdural Hemorrhage
How did this patient hear about Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? Case Worker at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Details of experience:
Kathleen (AKA Batman, as she likes to call herself) was admitted on 12/30/2022 from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, an amputee with an admitting diagnosis of traumatic subdural hemorrhage. A traumatic subdural hemorrhage (SDH) is a traumatic head injury that results in significant bleeding inside the skull, and the pooling blood creates pressure on the surface of the brain, causing a variety of issues. This resulted in a decrease in strength, safety awareness, balance, self-care, functional mobility, and activity tolerance.

Upon arrival, Kathleen was greeted by our interdisciplinary team, which includes Nursing, Concierge, Social Services, Recreation, and Rehabilitation. When Kathleen first arrived, she was nervous about being in a new environment. The mere thought of ever being able to be comfortable walking again put her on edge. Within the first 48 hours, she was evaluated by our physical and occupational therapy teams with identified goals of being able to dress with moderate assistance and to be able to perform functional mobility during activities of daily living (ADL’s) with minimal assistance with a wheelchair and rolling walker using her prosthetic leg.

Initially, Kathleen needed maximum assistance using her rolling walker and prosthetic leg, ambulating at a distance level of zero feet. She now walks at a distance of ninety feet, supervised, using her rolling walker! Kathleen has worked with our therapy team and CareRite’s Amputee Program leaders, Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler, to gain motivation and security with her goal of walking again safely!

Kathleen is still with us in her journey of recovery and rehabilitation, with an approximate discharge date in April 2023. She brings our entire team so much joy with her humor and sociability…even if it’s her just walking, or rolling, down the hallway telling jokes and just making fun.

Green Hills is so thankful to be part of Kathleen’s healing journey, and we wish her the very best.

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Case Study: Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q4 2022)

Concierge: Jade Townsend
Patient Name: Goodman, Marva
Patient Age: 56
Admissions Date: 11/2/2022
Admitted from: Skyline Medical Center
Discharge Date: 12/30/2022
Length of Stay: 59 days
Reason for Stay: Drug-Induced Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
How did this patient hear about Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing?

Details of experience:
Marva was admitted to Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing on 11/2/2022. She arrived to our community from Skyline Medical Center. Ms. Goodman was admitted with a diagnosis of drug-induced Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Drug-Induced Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks its own tissues, causing widespread inflammation and tissue damage in the affected organs. It can affect the joints, skin, brain, lungs, kidneys, and blood vessels.

Marva’s initial feelings arriving at Green Hills were the same as anyone else’s – new and not knowing if she would be able to return to living her life as she used to, if not better. Upon her arrival, Marva was greeted by our interdisciplinary team, which includes Nursing, Social Services, Concierge, Rehabilitation, and Recreation. Marva required rehabilitation services to improve all Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). She initially struggled with decreased motivation and self-efficacy and was unable to ambulate over 10 feet. Her goal was to “just go home.”

Initially, Marva lacked the motivation to reach her rehabilitation goals – to gain strength, balance, and all ADL levels to return home to her friends and family. But Marva came to work extremely hard to improve her self-motivation and belief, exceeding her baseline goals. She is now independent with bed mobility, is able to ambulate unlimited distances with a rollator, and has functional transfers with modified independence.

Marva was discharged from Green Hills Center on 12/30/2022, stating that she will miss everyone who helped her reach the levels she is at now. Social Services assisted with Marva’s discharge home with her family and friends. Marva was extremely grateful to the team at Green Hills Center.

We all wish Marva the best of luck in her continuing health journey!

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Case Study: Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q2 2022)

Patients Age: 67
Admission Date: 4/19/2022
Admitted from: U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
Discharge Date: 6/09/2022
Discharged to: Group Home
Length of Stay: 7 weeks and 2 days
Reason for Stay: Skilled Rehab
How did this patient hear about Green Hills Center? Referral from the VA

Details of Experience:

Mr. Brewington was admitted to the Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing on April 19, 2022, by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Due to weakness and confusion, Mr. Brewington was brought into the VA on March 18, 2022. He was evaluated for Physical therapy to assess independence and gain back his strength. The VA recommended that Mr. Brewington be placed in a skilled nursing facility to improve his strength and balance to return home.

Upon admission, Mr. Brewington was greeted by the Charge Nurse, Concierge Director, Therapy, and many more. The Therapy Department assessed Mr. Brewington and made goals for him to achieve each week before he was discharged. Before Mr. Brewington’s admission, he could not stand without assistance and showed general signs of weakness. Our therapy team began working with him on improving his balance and strength. As of 4/27/2022, Mr. Brewington made progress and was improving on his standing balance. Therapy addresses functional mobilities, including balance and standing. Mr. Brewington is determined to regain his strength so he can feel better about himself. He is making progress with Occupational Therapy. As of 05/09/2022, Mr. Brewington improved on mobility strategies to maximize safety with the least amount of assistance from caregivers. He continued to show progress and motivation to return to his normal routine. As of 05/30/2022, Mr. Brewington continued making progress toward his goals. He has shown improvement within the few weeks he has been here.

Mr. Brewington stated, “I’m satisfied with the improvement that I have gained from working with the therapy team here.” He was very satisfied with the help he received from our team here at Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing.

Mr. Brewington was glad to return to his daily living and continue improving from what he had learned and achieved!

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Case Study: Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q1 2022)

Concierge Director: Kaylyn Giles
Patient’s Age: 77
Admission Date: 2/14/2022
Admitted From: Tristar Horizon Medical Center
Discharge Date: 3/29/2022
Discharged To: Home with ex-wife
Length of Stay: 6 weeks
Reason for Stay: Skilled Rehab
How did this patient hear about Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? Hospital Referral

Details of Experience:

Mr. Malone was admitted to Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing on February 14, 2022, from Tristar Horizon Medical Center. Mr. Malone was brought into Tristar on February 3 due to a motor vehicle accident. He was treated for COVID and evaluated for physical therapy to assess independence and continue gaining upper and lower body strength. Tristar recommended that Mr. Malone be placed in a skilled nursing facility to maximize strength and mobility to return home safely.

Upon admission to Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing, Mr. Malone was greeted by the Director of Concierge, Unit Manager, Social Services, Therapy Department, and many more. The Therapy Department assessed Mr. Malone and made goals for him to achieve each week before discharge. Before Mr. Malone’s admission, he could not show ROM (range of motion) without max assistance and could not efficiently have bed mobility independently. Our Therapy team began working with him on balance, strength, and ROM. As of March 3, Mr. Malone made progress and was able to scoot up in the bed on his own efficiently. Therapy addressed functional mobilities, including balance and standing. Mr. Malone was determined to regain his strength in order to get back to where he was before. He is making progress with Physical Therapy intervention. As of March 7, Mr. Malone improved LE (lower extremity) strength for improved limb stability during standing and gait activities. He continued to show progress and motivation to get back to his normal routine. As of March 11, Mr. Malone could transfer with moderate assistance. He had shown improvement within the short amount of time he had been in the facility.

Mr. Malone stated, “I’m glad I was able to get back to where I was!” He was very satisfied with the results that came with the help of our therapy department!

Mr. Malone was glad to get back to his daily living and continue what he has learned and achieved!

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Case Study: Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (December 2021)

Concierge Director: Kaylyn Giles
Patient’s Age: 77
Admission Date: 12/30/2021
Admitted From: Tristar Centennial Medical Center
Discharge Date: 1/14/22
Discharged To: Home with Family
Length of Stay: 2 weeks
Reason for Stay: Skilled Rehab
How did this patient hear about Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? Hospital Referral

Details of Experience:

Mr. Farr was admitted to Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing on December 30th, 2021, from Tristar Centennial Medical Center. Mr. Farr was brought into Summitt on 12/21/2021 with palpitations and shortness of breath for three days and found to have NSTEMI (Non-ST-Segment Myocardial Infarction). He was evaluated for skilled OT to assess independence and safety with ADLs (activities of daily living) and functional mobility. After being assessed by Skilled OT, they recommended Mr. Farr be admitted to a skilled nursing facility to maximize standing balance, strength, and endurance, as well as to educate in the use of AE (adverse event) for maintaining pacemaker precautions during ADLs, ECT (electroconvulsive therapy), and safety awareness for improved independence and safety with functional mobility and self-care tasks in order to return home to his prior level of function.

Upon admission to Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing, Mr. Farr was greeted by the Director of Concierge, Admissions Director, Unit Manager, Therapy Department, and many others. The Therapy Department assessed Mr. Farr and made goals for him to achieve each week before discharge. Before Mr. Farr’s admission, he was unable to efficiently perform self-care and tasks around his home without help from his daughters. Our therapy team began working with him on strength, balance, and performing daily living activities safely and efficiently. As of 1/03/2022, Mr. Farr made progress and was able to walk 25 feet safely with minimum assist. Therapy addresses functional mobilities, including bed mobility and transfers.

Mr. Farr is motivated to work with therapy in order to improve so he can return home. He is making progress with skilled physical therapy intervention. As of 1/07/2022, Mr. Farr improved on bed mobility and transfers. He continues to show progress and motivation to be able to get back to his normal routine. As of 1/11/2022, Mr. Farr could ambulate in the room without an assistive device and transfer with minimal assistance. He has shown significant improvement within the short time he has been in the facility.

Mr. Farr Stated, “This has been a really good experience! The people that work here really try their hardest and actually care!” He was delighted with his care and stay at Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing. Mr. Farr said he is ready to go home and continue what he has learned and achieved!

The Green Hills staff wishes Mr. Farr much success as he continues his journey towards better health.

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CareRite Celebrates Heart Health Month

Each year during the month of February, CareRite Centers communities across the nation recognize and celebrate Heart Health Month to raise awareness for cardiovascular health. This year’s programming will provide both virtual education and support to the greater community.

Read the full story here!

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Case Study: Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (July 2021)

Director of Concierge: Garrott Iannelli
Patient’s Age: 69 years old
Patient’s Name: Jackie P.
Admission Date: 06/22/21
Admitted From: Centennial Medical Center
Discharge Date: Pending
Reason for Stay: Therapy after surgery on her left foot

Details of Experience:
Miss Jackie of Whites Creek, Tennessee, served as a Certified Nurse’s Assistant for 31 years. One morning,  she noticed a black spot on her left foot. She went to see her doctor at Centennial Medical Center. He felt surgery was required to remove the spot. While she was in surgery, they found a blood clot in her foot. When she was recuperating in the hospital, the doctors said she should transition to a rehab center. 

Having been at Green Hills Center once before, after back surgery, Miss Jackie was certain where she wanted to go when she prepared to leave the hospital: “They asked me where I wanted to go, and I said ‘Green Hills Center.'” She said she likes the staff and has been really happy since being here. 

She arrived late one evening, got settled in her room, and began her therapy early the next morning, and she reiterates that she likes the staff. “I’m a people person—I get along with everyone.”

Miss Jackie’s therapy is going really well, and she is making substantial progress every day. “The OT and the PT are wonderful. Kris is a really good therapist,” she says. He says that she is walking a great deal and attributes her success to her personality—she’s really social.

After her therapy sessions, Miss Jackie can be seen most days sitting outside under the carport, watching the traffic go by. She speaks to everyone who goes in.

Although the staff at Green Hills hasn’t given her a definite discharge date, Miss Jackie is certain it will be very soon. Her goal is to be able to return home and maintain her household. The staff at Green Hills Center wants to make sure she can perform all the duties of living at home before discharging her home permanently. 

Miss Jackie has made a significant impact on the community and staff here at Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing, and the team hopes that she gets home safely and continues to heal and live life to the fullest!

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Case Study: Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (June 2021)

Director of Concierge: Garrott Iannelli
Patient’s Age: 64 years old
Patient’s Name: Floyd V.
Admission Date: 6/11/4/21
Admitted From: St. Thomas Midtown
Discharge Date: Pending

Details of Experience:
Mr. Floyd, a native Nashvillian, was working for a company called Block by Block, which works to clean, as the name says, downtown Nashville. Over time, Mr. Floyd developed some infections that began with his toe and worked its way to his kidneys, which led to persistent hiccups and gasping for air. When Mr. Floyd realized something serious was going on, he was admitted into St. Thomas Midtown for treatment. Unfortunately, Mr. Floyd was required to get his toe amputated. That was when he searched for a rehabilitation center to return to his normal activities of daily living. Mr. Floyd found Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing. When he was ready to be discharged from the hospital, he decided to transfer to Green Hills. 

Upon arrival at Green Hills Center, Mr. Floyd was blown away by how nice it was. “When I entered Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing,” Floyd said, “I thought it was a hotel. Everything was just so nice and clean.” He was greeted by the staff and shown to his room, which he thought was very comfortable and neat. He settled in just fine, meeting the staff as they came in to introduce themselves. Before he knew it, it was dinner time! Mr. Floyd was given a hotdog, coleslaw, and baked beans which he enjoys. “My first meal here was delicious!”

Mr. Floyd came to Green Hills for therapy, and therapy was what he got. “The therapy is almost constant,” Mr. Floyd said. “Right now, I need to concentrate on walking for long periods.” He has made great progress so far and loves to work hard with the therapists that he loves. He would like to recognize two therapists, Chantel and Kris, for how hard they make therapy but in a fun and productive way. “They really make a difference.” It’s not only the therapists that have made Mr. Floyd’s stay so nice, but also the nursing staff. He really enjoys Michelle, one of the nursing technicians on the floor, and loves to chat with her when she comes by. “She makes you feel at home,” he said. 

Though Mr. Floyd has made significant progress in his therapy since being here. He still has a way to go. There is no discharge date set yet, but it won’t be long until he is home and does the things he loves because of his hard work and determination. He cannot wait to go out and travel again once he is home. 

We cannot wait to see how Mr. Floyd does when he goes home and wish him all the best on his future travels!

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