Director of Concierge: Garrott Iannelli
Patient’s Age: 76 years old
Patient’s Name: Judith W.
Admission Date: 2/4/21
Admitted From: St. Thomas Midtown
Discharge Date: Pending
Reason for Stay: Stroke
Details of Experience:
Ms. Judy, as she prefers to be called, lived in East Nashville and has worked all her adult life in warehouses…giving her experiences with all different kinds of people. She believes that working in warehouses has benefitted her physically until she had the stroke.
Miss Judy, unfortunately, suffered a stroke one day and was unconscious for at least two days. “I was in St. Thomas to recover from the stroke and to get checked out physically,” she said. After coming to Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation and Healing, Ms. Judy credits therapy and her own perseverance with the recovery that she has made. Miss Judy exercises every day now, walking up and down the hallways of the building, going farther and farther each day. She loves to work hard to maintain her level of physical independence.
Miss Judy fits in perfectly with the Green Hills Center family. She thoroughly enjoyed meeting the staff for the first time, and now, the entire team knows her by name, and they make her feel like she’s at home. Miss Judy loves stopping and talking to all the friends she made here while on her long walks. She speaks to everyone and is incredibly pleasant at all times about all things.
Ms. Judy doesn’t remember names well, but she can tell you about her favorite tech, Marian. She loves when Miss Marian comes to answer her call light or walks by her room to say hi. Miss Judy has become an iconic part of everyday life here at Green Hills Center. She will be staying at Green Hills Center long-term.
We are excited to have her here and look forward to making memories with her in the future.